Diagnosis / Roadmap

  • Talk about your current problems. We’ll ask questions and see where you are with your finances.
  • Review your QuickBooks file – Look at client costs, IOLTA, reconciliations, Accounts payable.
  • Audit certain transactions.
  • Pull client files and reconcile
  • Vendor analysis
  • Calculate your savings from doing things right
  • Create a roadmap to put you on the right path

Clean up / Implement the Roadmap

  • Fix the problems identified in the diagnosis. We work with your staff
  • Create system and checklist specific to your situation.

Monthly Maintenance

  • Perform key accounting functions
    • Reconcile bank and credit card accounts. An extra set of eyes is always important.
    • Periodic vendor audits
    • Periodic client file audits. Don’t just look at the client file at settlement.
    • Create and review accounting reports.
    • Create a file of the reports and checklist that you the lawyer need to review.
  • Everyone needs to be accountable. An extra set of eyes is important. Your bookkeeper will make fewer mistakes when they know someone is watching.
  • We can also do data entry and manage accounts payable.